Sunday, August 1, 2010

Color Changing Orko Exclusive


Orko, the powerful mage of Trolla who watches over and guides Prince Adam.

Apparently, Orko is not just some screw-up miscreant. The Bio on the back of this exclusive reveals some interesting facts about the Trollan. For example, on his home world Orko was very powerful but some hidden mystic properties of Eternia turned his magiks into little more than entertaining tricks.

    Comic Con Version:
  • Orko color-changes to clear.
  • His magic book features a color-change sticker that reveals the SDCC logo.
  • Fully-articulated Prince Adam with both angry and smirk heads, a light purple Power Sword, and a Half Power Sword in light purple.

The basic concept of the San Diego Comic Con Exclusive Orko, is that this Orko can magically disappear. In other words by dipping the figure in warm water he becomes translucent and clear.  The color change feature on this figure actually works really well, even just holding this exclusive Orko in your hand you will notice the color starting to shift. Orko's Spell book which also has a color changing feature is also really well done.

This toy reminds me of an episode of the old MOTU series entitled "Disappearing Act - in which Orko accidentally makes Prince Adam's sword disappear while trying to tidy up his messy bedroom. In this episode Orko tells Man at Arms, "Where I come from we never hada clean our rooms."

Masters of the Universe Episode - Disappearing Act

1 comment:

  1. Great artwork for the price. Lightweight and easy to hang. Highly recommend! painting ideas on canvas with acrylic
    This is a beautiful hand painted picture on canvas. We love the colors and texture! acrylic canvas painting easy
